SteamVR Collectibles Released

In a community update earlier today, we learned about the introduction of SteamVR Collectibles.  The following is gathered from that community update:

Today we are adding SteamVR Collectibles to SteamVR Home – items from other Steam titles that can be unlocked and used in SteamVR Home. We’ve partnered with a few VR game developers to create a set of items using characters and props from their titles, and they look amazing. This first wave of Collectibles will be made available to players based on ownership or playtime of the following titles:

  • Job Simulator
  • Fantastic Contraption
  • Space Pirate Trainer
  • Audioshield
  • The Gallery – Episode 1: Call of the Starseed
  • Arizona Sunshine
  • Onward
  • AirMech Command
  • Serious Sam: The Last Hope
  • Hover Junkers
  • The Lab
  • Dota 2

We think Collectibles will be a fun way for players to show their love for a game – whether it be by decorating their place or by modifying their avatar. This first wave is just the beginning and we’re excited to see where this will lead.